
Looking for something specific to work on during your next trip to the range?  Here are several drills from IDPA World Champion Kevin Harding.  You can adapt these drills for any skill level and even combine them to build miniature IDPA stages.

Be sure to record videos of your drill performance and share them with us on our Facebook or Instagram pages! 


Make the most of your range time by planning your drills and tracking your progress.  Click the image to the left to view and print our Drill Planner.  Use it during your next range trip to make the most of your range time and track your progress.

We are a private facility.  If you would like to tour the range please call or text 972-978-1103 or use the contact form below.

Range Address:

6040 Highway 160 Whitewright, TX 75491

Call or text: 972.978.1103


Enter your email below to be entered in our monthly drawing for prizes and special offers.  This month we are giving away a Kore EDC belt.  Entereing will enroll you in our email list buy we aren't spammy, send with low frequency, and will never share your information.

Thanks! We'll be in touch.
